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Welcome to CEE at Rensselaer

Rensselaer's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering prepares students to provide for the world's constructed facilities and the infrastructure on which modern civilization depends.

Rensselaer civil and environmental engineers develop a full range of skills in design, analysis, fabrication, communication, management, and teamwork. Rensselaer's civil and environmental engineering students are broadly trained and able to deal with the latest technologies. The growing panoply of sensors, instrumentation, intelligent facilities, and new materials highlights the high-tech character of the discipline, creating new educational challenges and redefining the skill set that civil and environmental engineers need to succeed.

Civil Engineering at Rensselaer has a long and distinguished history that dates back to 1835, when the Institute became the first U.S. school to issue a Civil Engineering degree. Early graduates include Washington Roebling, the famed builder of the Brooklyn Bridge, and George Ferris, the designer of the Ferris Wheel; more than 175 years later, Rensselaer's civil and environmental engineers continue to be found at all levels in both private and public sectors throughout the world.

Environmental Engineering at Rensselaer has roots that date back to the late 1800s, with a full degree program in Environmental Engineering introduced in the mid-1950s.

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